Reese Kauffman - 2018
Reese Kauffman is the President of Child Evangelism Fellowship, an international, Bible-centered organization that is the largest evangelistic outreach to children in the world. CEF has shared the gospel with over 220 million children in the last 80 years. The organization is composed of born-again believers whose purpose is to evangelize boys and girls with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and to establish (disciple) them in the Word of God and in a local church for Christian living.
Reese became President of CEF in 1989 and under his leadership CEF has grown from reaching 1 million boys and girls per year in less than 100 nations to millions of children around the world. CEF has over 2,900 missionaries overseas, approximately 2,200 of whom are nationals. In the USA and Canada 700 full-time workers and an estimated 40,000 volunteers serve the ministry.
God has given Reese a passion for global evangelism and discipleship among children and his goal is to establish the culture of CEF and keep the ministry on point for future generations. Reese and his wife Linda have three grown children and live on Sanibel Island in Florida.